"Introduction" by Don Herron |
"Howard's Fantasy" by Fritz Lieber |
"Robert E. Howard: Frontiersman of Letters" by Donald Sydney-Fryer |
"Barbarian Bard: The Poetry of Robert E. Howard" by Steve Eng |
"Through Black Boughs: The Supernatural on Howard's Fiction" by
Dennis Rickard |
"The Western Fiction of Robert E. Howard" by Ben P. Indick |
"Robert E. Howard: Hard-Boiled Heroic Fantasist" by George Knight |
"Robert E. Howard: Professional Writer" by Glenn Lord |
"The Dark Barbarian" by Don Herron |
Appendix A: "Robert E. Howard's Library" |
Appendix B: "Howard's Suicide" |
Bibliography |
Author and Subject Index |
Title Index |
Notes on the Contributors |