The Second Book of Robert E. Howard
Year : 1980
Book No. : 0-425-04455-6-1
Edition : 1st
Format : PB
Pages : 242
Cover art : Ken Kelly

"Introduction" by Glenn Lord
"Sword Woman"
"Which Will Scarecly Be Understood"
"The Striking of the Gong"
"The Song of Horsa's Galley"
"The Good Knight"
"A Word From the Outer Dark"
"Black Canaan"
"The Song of a Mad Minstrel"
"Kelly the Conjure Man"
"The Footfalls Within"
"Knife-River Prodigal"
"The House of Suspicion"
"Rueben's Brethren"
"Two Against Tyre"
"The Guise of Youth"
"For the Love of Barbara Allen"
"Guns of Khartum"
"Lines Written in the Realization That I Must Die"
Cover pict

Other editions: Zebra