"Skulls and Dust" |
"Skulls over Judah" |
"Slumber" |
"A Song of Defeat" |
"The Song of Horsa's Galley" |
"A Song of the Legions" |
"A Song for Men That Laugh" |
"A Sonnet of Good Cheer" |
"Sonora to Del Rio" |
"Surrender" |
"Tarantella" |
"Thor's Son" |
"Timur-Lang" |
"To Certain Orthodox Brethren" |
"A Vision" |
"A Warning" |
"Where Are Your Knights, Donn Othna" |
"Who Is Grandpa Theobold?" |
"The Years Are as a Knife" |
"The Black Stone" |
"The Blood of Belshazzar" |
"Death's Black Riders" |
"The Fearsome Touch of Death" |
"The Grey God Passes" |
Untitled("The war was like...") |
"The Hour of the Dragon" |
"Kelly the Conjure-man" |
"The Lion of Tiberias" |
"Something About Eve" |
"The Sowers of the Thunder" |
"The Thing on the Roof" |